Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Snowpocalypse - Winter Storm Pax

Yes we are amazed by Snow, Ice and Sleet - Come on we are Southerners!

Partly Cloudy

High: 34 F                           Low: 29 F

Light freezing rain and snow
Bread and milk started coming off the shelves at the beginning of the week. Is is hurricane season already? Nope it is southerners going crazy for Snowpocalypse 2.0!
It is the second siting of snow and ice in South Carolina in 2 weeks! The world must be coming to an end.
If you have family or friends in the south you are seeing Facebook pictures of snow, freezing rain, and ice. You may think to yourself what is the big deal we deal with this all the time in the winter and for longer (if you are from the north)? Us southerners are in The South because we don't do cold weather. My husband is from Pennsylvania and once he join the Marines and went to Parris Island (East Coast boot camp for Marine Corps) he never went back to live. He says is was because he preferred the warmer weather and shoveling was for the birds.

We rarely get this weather so let us have our amazement time of enjoying it. It happens in the middle of South Carolina every 3 or so years and on the coast every 10 or so years. 

Yes our state does shut down but that is a safety factor. Our state budgets don't have funds set aside for the sand, salt, and equipment that is required to handle the winter maintenance because  it is not a constant from year to year. I tell everyone our sand is on our beaches not on the roads. All government offices, school, and businesses do close to keep people safe and off the roads. Bridges and certain roads do get closed to keep traffic off them. Citizens of South Carolina do not have rock salt, shovels, tire chains to keep day to day operations going. 100,000 and more of homes without power today that utility crews have been prepping since the beginning of the week to handle. Thank you to crews who are coming in from out of state to assist!
We are on lock down in our homes, but what child or adult doesn't need a snow day every once in awhile? Makes you actually feel like a kid!

We will be back up and operating once all this is melted and off our roads. I give credit to all professionals who have to brave the weather to ensure emergency services are up and operating. Some of the people have to sleep overnight at their place of work as it is not safe to travel. Please think of the law enforcement, firefighters, dispatchers, nurses, doctors, utility crews, and DOT workers who are out braving the cold and the roadways for us!

For the northerners just let us have our pictures and our enjoyment from not having to go to school or work. We will be back to normal bragging about the high temperatures next week. That's a true statement because next week we will be back to 77 degrees for the high.

If you do not have to be on the roads today or tomorrow, please stay off them and quit making additional work for the emergency crews. Stay warm and safe!